Earlier I showed you one of the drawings i made for the caricature contest of Muscat Festival 2008. Here is another one. It shows how smoking can be picked up by kids because they might think its a way to act cool and look like an adult.
In the drawing you can see an evil cigarette trying to convince a kid to smoke telling him its the only way he can prove that he is an adult just like the group standing in the back. If he smokes that cigarette he can climb the ladder shown in the back and be just like them .. or at least he'll think that way.
as mentioned before this is one of the five drawings I made for the anti-smoking category of the contest. The characters I made in the drawing are wearing the national Omani dress "The Dishdasha". Same goes for all the other drawings I made for the contest since the audience of the gallery was Omani. look out for the rest of the drawings i made for the contest which I will be posting soon.
Click on the image below to view the original Arabic version of the drawing :

Where you are standing there man? I cant see you....!!!??!!
Great Job.Go Ahead.
I expect something for alcohol adiction also..
Just Do IT!!!
... الصراحة أصبت كبدة الحقيقة ...
والله هذا إلي كان يصير أيام المدارس , كل واحد من صوب يقولك جرب تدخن
واذا قلت ما أدخن كلهم بيضحكو عليك و يقوللك طفل يخاف يجرب !! . . .
بس مالهم الرجال كأنهم اصنام
لوووول... ولا تماثيل جنود الصين خخخخ
عجبني تصميم السجارة طالع شكله مثل حسن حبيب
That is the reality... but I wonder what your next topic might be?
Hmmmm... let's see... something to do with sickness??? ;)
Unfortunately I didnt include myself in this one. but look for me in the rest of the anti-smoking drawings that I'll post soon, you might find me there lol. Regarding the alcohol addiction thingy let me see what I can do. Or maybe I can just talk you out of it ? :P
So back at your school days, which one were you ?
The one offering cigarettes or the one being offered ?
Its funny how I didnt notice it, the people in the back do look like statues dont they. Well, maybe they are.
ooh and i cant wait to see hassan's reaction when he sees your post :p
now now .. no spoilers my dear ;)
smoking doesnt prove you to be man, it proves you to be coward who gives up his own life
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